Στήριγμα για φυτά - 100% natural
Ύψος:120εκ, Διάμετρος:6εκ.
Χρησιμοποιείται για στήριξη φυτών, όπως Μονστέρα, Φιλόδενδρο και άλλα.
Μια μοντέρνα λύση για τη στήριξη των φυτών με 100% φυσική σύσταση και εμφάνιση που μοιάζει με κορμό δέντρου και δημιουργεί αρμονία με όποιο φυτό χρησιμοποιηθεί.
Για μεγαλύτερο ύψος μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί ξεχωριστή προέκταση που ενώνει 2 στηρίγματα μαζί.
Η τιμή αφορά ένα τεμάχιο.
A modern solution that can replace plastic-based coconut shavings.
It is made of natural materials. Its main ingredients are potato skins and Elephant grass.
Thanks to its rough surface, it can retain moisture for a long time and helps the roots to adhere and grow.
Most of our indoor plants are tropical creepers showing heterophilia (change in leaf shape). The new or different leaf shape, on the other hand, can only be accessed by running it on a wristwatch/board. Our newest product provides an excellent solution for this.
Other: the selected plant can be attached to the stake with clips or mossing pins, which must be placed in the pre-cut slots. This helps the new roots to adhere to the surface.
Regular spraying (with water) is recommended.
Biodegradable product.
1. Place the climbing stick
Place the climbing stick as close as possible to the trunk at the bottom of the pot. And spray the plant regularly during growth. This activates the aerial roots, causing the (climbing) plant to attach itself to the climbing pole faster.
2. Support the plant
The 100% natural clips slide easily into the slots of the climbing stick. This causes the stems to get stuck to the climbing pole. These clips are slightly flexible so that they ensure optimal sap flow in the plant. This provides more energy for plant growth.
3. Extend the stick
Now that the plant is growing nicely and healthily, it reaches the top of the stick. You can now make the climbing stick longer with an extension.