Ferocactus latispinus Britton & Rose - Φερόκακτος
Συνώνυμα: Bisnaga latispina, Echinocactus latispinus, Mammillaria latispina
Οικογένεια: Cactaceae
Διάμετρος γλάστρας:10.5εκ., Ύψος:10-15εκ.
It is a globular, bluish-green cactus with well-defined ribs, on which white, large, downy areoles can be seen.
Its radial spines are needle-like, translucent, robust, of a whitish color; while the central ones are flat, bright red, hooked, similar to a tongue.
Its multi-layered bell-shaped flowers are serrated at the edges, of an intense pink-magenta color, which bloom on the apical part of the plant.
- It requires a lot of light throughout the year, however, avoid direct sun rays, especially during the hottest hours of the day, as long as they might burn the leaves.
- It is preferable to keep it at mild temperatures and never below 6 °C, for this reason it is recommended to shelter it during the winter period.
- Water moderately but only when the soil is completely dry. It is enough to water it once a week in spring and summer, reduce watering to once every two months in autumn, and to suspend it completely in winter.
- The best substrate is a very well-draining soil specific for cacti.
- They do not need frequent fertilization, it is sufficient to dilute the fertilizer with watering once a year.
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