Rubus idaeaus 'Valentina'® - Βατόμουρο κόκκινο
Διάμετρος γλάστρας:14εκ, Ύψος:60-65εκ.
Η 'Valentina' είναι μια υπέροχη ποικιλία τόσο οπτικά όσο και γευστικά.
Μια καλοκαιρινή ποικιλία με ισχυρή ανάπτυξη και πολλούς βλαστούς. Μεγάλοι όμορφοι καρποί σε πορτοκαλί χρωματισμούς και όψιμη ωρίμανση που ξεκινά το πρώτο μισό του Ιουλίου.
Καρποί εξαιρετικά αρωματικοί και γλυκοί.
The summer raspberry 'Valentina®' is a real treat, both for the eye and for the palate.
'Valentina®' is a pure summer raspberry with strong growth and good young canes - so that there are enough canes for the following year. The still young rods have a yellowish-green bark on which the spines sit.
'Valentina®' is pleasing to the eye because of the attractive, large and delicate fruits that compete in bright orange to apricot colors. The ripening period is comparatively late and begins in the first half of July.
In addition, the fruits of 'Valentina®' are also something for the palate. As a raspberry variety with light - yellow/orange/apricot - fruits, 'Valentina®' is surprisingly aromatic and very sweet.
- a summer raspberry with a high yield
- orange to apricot colored fruits
- exceptionally good taste for a yellow/orange variety
Growth: Pure summer raspberry with strong growth and good growth of young canes, the spiked shoots need a stabilizing framework
Ripeness/Harvest: medium to medium late ripening time; the orange fruits appear from the beginning of July
Fruits: visually very appealing large fruits with a fine structure and an attractive orange to apricot colour
Taste: surprisingly aromatic for a yellow/orange variety, very sweet with a subtle acidity
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