Rubus 'Goodasgold'® bio 13cm
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Διάμετρος γλάστρας:13εκ, Ύψος:40-45εκ.
Rubus Lowberry® 'Goodasgold'® - Σμέουρο
Βιολογικής καλλιέργειας
Μία ακόμα προσθήκη στα χαμηλής ανάπτυξης σμέουρα Lowberry®.
Καρποί χρυσοκίτρινοι και χαμηλή ανάπτυξη που δε ξεπερνά το 1μ. Οι καρποί έχουν εξαιρετικό άρωμα και γεύση και ωριμάζουν πολύ πρώιμα, από μέσα Ιουλίου.
The slow-growing autumn raspberry Lowberry® 'Goodasgold®' is another addition to the range of compact Lowberry® raspberries.
Namely the variety, as the variety name already suggests, with the golden-yellow fruits.
Like the other Lowberry® raspberries, 'Goodasgold®' is only about 100 cm high. Due to the particularly early flowering and the associated particularly early ripening, the shoots stop growing in length in early summer.
Lowberry® 'Goodasgold®' is the perfect complement to the red fruity Lowberry® variety 'Little Sweet Sister®' and to the apricot colored Lowberry® 'Little Orangelina®'.
The fruits of 'Goodasgold®' have an almost round shape and a lemon-yellow to golden-yellow color and ripen as early as mid-July. It's hardly possible to ripen earlier on the one-year-old canes.
The medium-sized fruits have an excellent aroma and a sweet-fruity taste.
- compact growth (<100 cm)
- large & golden yellow fruits
- very early onset of ripening
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