Διάμετρος γλάστρας:13εκ, Ύψος:45εκ. Βιολογικής καλλιέργειας.
Η πρώτη πράσινη ποικιλία με σχεδόν καθόλου αγκάθια, που κάνει τη συγκομιδή πολύ εύκολη. Υψηλής παραγωγής και με μεγάλη ανθεκτικότητα σε ασθένειες.
Ωριμάζει τέλος Ιουνίου. Πολλή νόστιμη και γλυκιά γεύση.
Ο καρπός του είναι πλούσιος σε βιταμίνη C και αντιοξειδωτικά.
- almost thornless
- Ripening time from the end of June
- large, light green and hairless fruits
- very sweet taste with some acidity
- extremely fertile variety
Ripening: medium early to medium ripening, in normal years at the end of June
Fruit: Large, light green, round, hairless fruits; significantly larger than 'Lady Sun', comparable to 'Lady Late'
Taste: very sweet, pleasantly acidic, with thin skin, therefore pleasant to eat, one of the best gooseberries
Yield: extremely fertile variety, also bears very regularly
Growth/health: belongs to the new generation of Lubera gooseberries with significantly improved tolerance to mildew and leaf fall than the first Crispa varieties and the mildew-tolerant market varieties such as 'Invicta'. Compact, wide growth; the long shoots must be stabilized for very high yields (shorten slightly or tie up); Easycrisp variety, i.e. a variety with very few thorns, which can still be found especially in the lower part of the bush and in the older wood.