Alocasia 'Antoro Velvet' + Lechuza Mini Deltini No2
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Alocasia chienlii 'Antoro Velvet'- Alocasia
Family: Araceae
The collection 'Our Collection' includes selected varieties of plants, which are transplanted into high-quality substrate and adapted to indoor conditions before their sale.
Simply stunning and extra collectible!
An unusual tropical plant for indoor use.
Prefers bright spots but not direct exposure to the sun. Enjoys high humidity levels but should not be overwatered.
Check if the soil is almost dry and prefer to water frequently and with a small amount of water. If you notice water droplets on the edges of the leaves, this means that the atmosphere is very humid.
Light: Ideally, it prefers bright spots but away from direct sunlight where the leaves will get damaged.
Watering: Keep the soil moist with room temperature water. The soil should not dry out. A small amount of water and often is ideal.
Temperature: It requires warm conditions, ideally 18-22°C.
Humidity: It requires a humid environment with above average humidity. Spraying the leaves greatly improves the desired humidity levels.
Fertilization: Once a month during the growth period.
Tip: The Alocasia plants have a resting period during which it is likely that some leaves will fall. This is something normal and those leaves will be replaced during the growing season. During this time, watering should be reduced.
Dimensions: Maximum height approximately 60cm. Fast growing under suitable conditions.
Origin: Southeast Asia.
Admired for its exotic emerald-green leaves with prominent venation that reminds of the mythical Dragon scales, this plant is an all-time favorite among gardeners and houseplant lovers. Alocasia Baginda is not only gorgeous, but it is also very easy to grow and care for.
Dragon Scale είναι ένα ριζωματώδες φυτό που ανήκει στο γένος Alocasia και στην οικογένεια Araceae. Εγγενές στη Νότια Ασία και την Ανατολική Αυστραλία, αυτό το φυτό είναι ένα τροπικό πολυετές που συνήθως αναπτύσσεται στο τροπικό δάσος. Το γένος έχει πάνω από 70 είδη που μπορούν να βρεθούν στη φύση. Η οικογένεια αρούς ή Araceae είναι γνωστή για το χαρακτηριστικό της άνθος που φέρει σε σπάδικα και περιβάλλεται από ένα φύλλο που μοιάζει με βράκτιο που ονομάζεται σπάθη.
Alocasia Bagindas είναι φυτά χαμηλής συντήρησης και μπορούν να καλλιεργηθούν εύκολα ως εσωτερικά φυτά ή ακόμη και σε θερμοκήπια. Αν και έχουν κάποιες ιδιαίτερες απαιτήσεις ανάπτυξης, δεν είναι πολύ δύσκολα στη φροντίδα τους.
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