Gasteria 'little warty' 8.5cm
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Gasteria batesiana cv. Little Warty - Γαστέρια
Οικογένεια: Aloaceae
Διάμετρος γλάστρας:8.5εκ.
Ιδιαίτερο και πολύ όμορφο παχύφυτο μικρού μεγέθους με σκληρά τύπου, δερμάτινα φύλλα και βελούδινη υφή.
Κατάλληλο για εσωτερικούς χώρους και για εξωτερικούς χώρους σε περιοχές με ήπιο Χειμώνα.
Χρειάζεται λίγο πότισμα και ελάχιστη φροντίδα.
A beautiful cultivar, that was created by David Cumming in Australia by hybridizing two species: G. batesiana and G. 'Old Man Silver'.
It is a succulent plant with rough and rigid lanceolate leaves of an almost bright green color, covered with irregular streaks and lighter dots.
Like most Gasterias, G. cv. Little Warty also consists of two opposite leaves, that are more or less compact, and which over time tends to cluster at the base, forming new seedlings.
With the prolonged exposure to the direct sun it may take on brown colors, which is why it is a perfect plant to decorate your homes and offices.
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