Adromischus trigynus (Burch.) Poelln. - Adromischus
Synonyms: Cotyledon trigyna, Adromischus rupicola
Family: Crassulaceae
Pot diameter: 8.5cm
Unique succulent with small, curved leaves in distinctive colors, low-growing (15cm).
Suitable for indoor and outdoor spaces, for compositions with other plants, etc.
Prefers substrate with good drainage and semi-shaded locations. Resistant up to -7°C but it is better if the temperature does not drop below 5°C.
The substrate must dry before each watering and does not thrive in conditions of high atmospheric humidity.
Ωραίο παχύφυτο με μικρά, καμπύλα φύλλα σε ειδικά χρώματα, χαμηλής ανάπτυξης (15εκ). Κατάλληλο για εσωτερικούς και εξωτερικούς χώρους, για συνθέσεις με άλλα φυτά, κ.λπ.
Prefers substrate with good drainage and places with partial shade. Cold resistant up to -7 ° C but it is good that the temperature does not fall below 5 ° C.
The substrate must be dried before each watering and does not like high atmospheric humidity conditions.
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